We are the Christian Gospel Mission (CGM), also known as "Providence churches" or "Jesus morning star (JMS)". Committed to evangelism, in agreement with the Bible, CGM has been conveying God's fundamental Will and expectation for mankind.
CGM has dozens of teams including medical teams, professor associations, legal fellowships, sports teams of soccer, volleyball, and basketball, orchestras, praise teams, drama teams, and charitable service groups. We hope to share God's love for the world through the richness of culture, art, sports, and Bible studies, and spread the gospel of this time period.
Providence - God's History
By reading the Bible, it is apparent that after God started speaking to a man and made him believe in the Absolute God, Jehovah, the conversation between God and man began to advance actively and continuously. Regardless of the time period, we can see that the more clearly human beings understand God’s Will, the more they can connect and converse with God. Hence, that time period would be filled with God’s numerous blessings, and it would be a history of peace and joy. On the other hand, the time period that neglects conversation with God would, more often than not, beget sin, violence, wars and other pain, unrest, and peril. This has become a common phenomenon throughout human history.
Gospel Outreach
Living Testimonies of the Believers:
Stories Between Mankind and Heaven

Love Earth

Love Children
Each one of us was once a child. Together with the Lord, let us pray for the children and become their "guardians of love."

Love Sports
When we enhance our mental strength through exercise, whether it be for training or for health reasons, each of us can become an awesome and beautiful masterpiece before Heaven.

Love Arts
God, the primary founder of art, created the visible stage called, “the World,” for the creation of human beings. Human beings are “God’s greatest art masterpieces.” The earth is “the stage bestowed by God.” Any individual who loves God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son, listens to the Word of this time period, and leads a righteous life will become “the greatest person in the world” and “the best artist.”

Love Lives
From the moment you earnestly plea to save a life, you will start to sense the noble value of your existence, begin to experience spiritual love, and through that, receive love. Only those who love lives first will realize this.