Love Arts

Choir and orchestra of love and joy
Great Dads and Moms Dance Group
Mysterious guy, Mr. R

Christmas Special: Find the Mentor That Changes Your Destiny

December 21, 2014

This year, CGM’s Grace Light Church and True Light Church collaborated on a Christmas event, and the theme was “Search for Mr. R”, and the subhead was “Christmas of Love”. By coincidence, this theme happened to be the same as five years ago, which was also “Love.”


“R” represents Rabbi, which means “the person I respect and love” and ‘’my Teacher’ in Hebrew. In the New Testament, the disciples called Jesus, “Rabbi, Teacher”. It’s mainly because Jesus had taught them the principles of life and became their life mentor. In current generation, people’s destinies also changes due to discovering their life mentor. In this time period it’s also the same. We bless everyone to be able to find their own life mentor during the Christmas holidays.


“Love” is the main theme that is presented throughout the performance:

  1. Chorus and Orchestra of Joy and Love: Large orchestra group with a large choir sings of the kingdom’s true love and joy. The audience bursts into thunderous applause, feeling the angels’ joy at the time when Jesus was born.
  2. Great Dads and Moms Dance Group: Through the dynamic dance, the parents explain that the “rapture will be achieved through true love”.
  3. Awesome Male Dance Group:  Dance choreography incorporated with excellent martial arts performances. The audience bursts into continuous cheers. There is no silence at all.
  4. Acapella Ensemble: Five-person Quintet. Warm and beautiful voice flows into people’s hearts.
  5. Drama: Mysterious guy, Mr. R. What does “R” stand for? Could it be Mr. Right?
  6. Angel Fashion Show: Models wearing white dresses walk to the front of the stage, representing the atmosphere of peace, joy and love in Heaven.


“Christmas Special” by CGM’s True Light Church and Grace Light Church

Come to the church to rethink and recall the meaning of Christmas.