From early May, people have had Mother’s Day weighing on their minds. On Labor Day’s substitute holiday May 2, Christian Gospel Mission’s Morning Light Volunteer Group (Volunteer Group), an organization unlike any other, volunteered at the Wenshan Shelter for Women and Children of Harmony Home Association, Taiwan (Harmony Home). With the mindset of Pastor Jung Myung Seok, founder and president of the Christian Gospel Mission (CGM), and with their actual actions, the Volunteer Group became one-day parent volunteers and brought laughter and warmth to the nearly 60 stateless children.
With the help of an interactive picture book titled “You are Unique”, volunteers interacted with children one on one and gave warmth to the upcoming Mother’s Day. The Volunteer Group called on caring mothers to prepare delicious and healthy meals for the children at Harmony Home. They hoped that the food would provide the children with necessary nutrition for their growth.
The average age of the stateless children at Harmony Home is zero to three years old. The parents of these children do not have Taiwan citizenship and are not in formal marriage relationships. Hence, their children also cannot be Taiwan citizens, making it difficult to for them to receive government subsidies or medical treatment. Harmony Home is a shelter for stateless children and disadvantaged groups. In China, Harmony Home cares for 1,070 children and 30 to 40 adults. In Taiwan, Harmony Home cares for more than 300 children, among which more than 70 need to be nursed. The basic living expense per month is nearly 7 million to 8 million NT dollars and at currently, its main source of funding is through public donations. However, much resource is still needed. The Secretary General Nicole Yang expressed, “Harmony Home is helping those who are disadvantaged and unable to obtain social support. Such people include AIDS patients who suffer widespread social discrimination and face many hindrances in life, such as inability to obtain employment. Harmony Home also provides assistance to those without personal identity, as they are helpless if sued, are sick or pregnant. They have no family, friends or any support in Taiwan. The government is unable to assist those marginalized. It is the people who must find the means to resolve these issues. I hope that society can join in on the efforts made by Harmony Home by donating and taking action.”
The Morning Light Volunteer Group of the CGM is founded by Pastor Jung Myung Seok, who is also the president of CGM. The Volunteer Group is made up of many young professionals and college students. There are members as young as first grade elementary students (around age 6) to senior people over the age of 60. The Volunteer Group continues to call on people of all talents to provide service and help society. The tenet of the Morning Light Volunteer Group is to enable young people and teenagers to discover and encourage their uniqueness and personality. From the time it was founded, the Volunteer Group has promoted as services in the form of giving educational advice to 12th grade high school students, beach cleanups, volunteering in children’s homes, running for charity and held charitable events in aboriginal communities etc. There will be a charity run to be held on June 25, to promote greater awareness of Harmony Home, provide actual help to the needy and to raise money.
Event URL: from Next Magazine, reported by CHIH-MIN SUNG